
How to Rent a Car for Your Special Vacation in Orange County, CA

Renting a car is a no-brainer. Get your smartphone (or PC) and conduct a localized search engine query. Type in something like; “best vacation car rental company in Orange County. Pick one from the list of results and make a reservation. There you have it. Done!

That approach will likely get you a car. What it doesn’t guarantee is that you’ll get the best possible experience in terms of affordable pricing, nice and friendly customer support. But you already knew this, didn’t you? Isn’t that why you’re reading this right now? 

So how exactly do you ensure your experience with a Car Rental Company doesn’t become the sludge that ruins your vacation. We’ve made a list of helpful tips that should guide you on renting a car for your vacation.

1. Determine what you want

Knowing what you want is the first stage of getting it. That age-long wisdom certainly does apply here. Of course, you have some idea of what you want from your car rental company. However, for the best experience, you need to do better than have a vague idea of what you want. Get some clarity!

We find that there are typically four things you need to clear on. The type of car you want, your budget, preference on proximity to the airport, and the customer experience you’d like to have with the car rental company.

I want a luxury ride. Say a convertible from a company with kind staff at rates between $XX – $XXX and I’ll like them to be no more than 10 miles from the airport. Get the idea? 

2. Find the agencies that meet your need

Here’s where you use your search engines again. Conduct a search query based on what your predetermined needs are. Cheap discount car rentals or car rental orange county airport or whatever. 

Spend some time investigating businesses that potentially offer your desires in terms of affordability, customer satisfaction, car aesthetics, and customer service.

3. Verify their claims on Third Party Sites

Don’t get sold some lie. Everybody strives to look their best on their website. Thanks to the internet though, there’s a way to find out if a company keeps its brand promise. Simply check what former customers are saying about them in review sites. More often than not, this should help you streamline your choices.

4. Ask! Ask!! Ask!!!

It’s not uncommon for travelers to wind up with an unexpected bulk of legitimate charges on rental. Charges far higher than the hourly rate they were quoted. This usually happens because they hadn’t paid attention to the possible surcharges that are associated with car rental. Don’t make the same mistake. Before making your reservation, ask about additional fees that you may incur with car usage airport.

The common ones include airport surcharges, late return fees, mileage fees, drop-off fees, underage fees, and additional driver fees. You may find that some companies give waivers on some of these services. For instance, at SNA Auto Rental, we do not charge underage fees or tourism fees. 

Bottom Line

Using the tips mentioned above, renting a car for your vacation in Orange County should be no hassle. At SNA Auto Rental, we pride has been one of the leading local car agencies of choice in the California area. Would you like to give you the best rental service you can find around here? Let us help you. 

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