
7 Tips While Renting a Car During COVID-19 Pandemic

“Stay safe!” is the saying we hear quite often now because of COVID-19’s impact on our daily lives. Staying safe is just as important when renting a car from a car rental company. In this post, we’ll share some important tips on how to “stay safe” when using a car rental service during this COVID-19 pandemic. The responsibility of staying safe won’t just be on the car rental company, but you as well. Let’s dive in:

1. High Standards for Health and Safety

When attempting to rent a car ask yourself, “Does this car rental company’s structure both online and onsite demonstrate that they have concern for health? Do they maintain high standards for cleanliness and safety? Or do they have more of a laid-back attitude towards health and safety?”

2. Response Measures

This is a small follow-up to the first tip. Diligently investigate what measures the car rental company has out in place to reduce the spread of the virus and to protect their clients from contracting it. Ask if they thoroughly disinfect their cars after every use, have hand sanitizers in their shop for both the clients and staff, and if the staff members wear face masks.

3. Social Distancing Measures

Social distancing still applies. If you look back in time for a but, you are most likely guilty yourself of a few instances when you gave a handshake or hugged someone or touched a surface impulsively before realizing it.

Be alert! By the time you pick up your vehicle don’t forget to adhere to the health authorities’ social distancing recommendations – no handshakes at all and keep a circle space of six feet or more if possible. Also, ask yourself, do the car rental company’s operations make it easier to minimize human-to-human contact?

4. Know How to You Use Your A/C

If it gets considerably hot in the rental (or your own) car, then crack the windows down initially, before your drive, for a couple of minutes to get all the hot air out of the car. Then, press the air intake A/C button to introduce fresh air from outside for thirty seconds. This will introduce fresh air from outside momentarily to cool down the inside of the car. Then, only activate the air recirculation function when running the A/C if needed later. You should try to minimize as much exposure to the outside air, if possible, so you don’t increase your chances of contracting the virus. However, bringing in air initially before your drive is fine, just be cautious later when your driving.

5. If You Don’t Have To, Don’t Go Out

Here’s a subtle reminder that just because you can go out doesn’t mean you have to. For as long as COVID-19 remains active, it is in the best interest of everyone that human traffic in social areas is brought to a minimum. The higher the population density of space, the higher the chances that someone will contract the virus.

If you are not a frontline responder or someone who has to report to work to do something that is absolutely necessary (essential worker), then please stay at home.

6. Do a Self-Assessment

Before stepping out, take a few minutes to do a small check that will help determine whether or not you’re potentially a carrier. It’s especially important if you have stayed in proximity to a person who has tested positive for the virus in less than 14 days. You may use this self-assessment tool from the Mayo Clinic. The purpose of this is not to scare you, it’s to ensure that you don’t put yourself or others at risk.

7. Stay Safe

Above all, realize that you have to take full responsibility for your health. In addition to what the car rental company does or doesn’t do, take personal precautions. Hold your own sanitizer, buy your nose mask. Keep yourself away from unnecessary exposure during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We will all see get through the end of this.

This message is brought to you by SNA Auto Rental, your affordable, highly-trusted, and cleanly car rental company from the heart of Orange County, CA.

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