
Is it Safe to Rent a Car During COVID?

With COVID-19 spreading at a fast pace in the US, people were advised to avoid public transportation as much as possible. Airports were closed due to the high risk of contraction. Although businesses have resumed their operations and states are now open, people still feel unsafe when it comes to traveling via trains, buses, and planes. Those who own a car have no problem planning vacations and business trips. But, what about those with no personal vehicle?

Your only option is renting a car.

While everything seems to be getting back to normal, the COVID crisis has not ended yet. The growing number of COVID cases pose a serious threat to our health. So, public transport is not an option for families traveling with kids, elders, and people suffering from chronic illnesses. The question is “is it really safe to rent a car during COVID”?

Car Rental: The Safest Transportation Option

Booking car rentals is absolutely safe, and in fact, the best option for people wanting secure transportation services during the pandemic. The problem occurs when you are sharing the cab with other passengers. If it’s a family, it shouldn’t be a big deal. However, if you are booking a shared ride, the driver might collect more passengers on the way. The first thing you need to ask the rental company is whether they offer private rides or accept more passengers.

Secondly, you need to see how the company is adhering to the government’s COVID-safety guidelines. For instance, drivers should wear masks all the time. There should be sanitizing sprays and liquids in the cab. Most importantly, the company should follow a 15-step cleaning process (introduced by Hertz) to kill COVID germs. Some companies quarantine their rental cars in-between renters to ensure the highest level of protection for passengers.

Scientists believe that the risk of face-to-face transmission is pretty high, which is why you should wear masks and follow social distance guidelines when you get in your rental car. Some cars will pick you up from your place. All you have to do is send the company your location and the car will arrive on time. Others ask you to pick up the car from the parking. You need to visit the company, get keys from reception, and get your car. Either way, you should follow safety protocols and bring a sanitizer.

How to Keep Your Car Interiors Safe and Clean?

You can clean and disinfect almost every interior surface in your car, except for the non-leather armrests. Note that disinfectants are designed to kill viruses sitting on surfaces that are 100% non-porous, meaning they shouldn’t have any holes in them. Most car rental companies have strict COVID safety protocols that each driver and the entire team follow to keep passengers safe. They use the best quality disinfectants and sanitizers to minimize your risks of catching SARS. However, these measures do not eliminate the risks completely.

People have a habit of touching soft and porous surfaces in cars and then touching their face, eyes, nose, and mouth. As a passenger, it is your responsibility to sanitize your hands and avoid touching your face as much as possible. Hand washing is an absolute necessity for drivers as well as passengers. You shouldn’t leave your home without a sanitizer. Keep your hands clean and sanitized during your journey, especially when you arrive at the target destination.

Tips for Renting a Car Safely During the Pandemic

Surface contamination can put you at risk of catching the infection, but you can lower the major risk of virus contraction by following COVID safety protocols. The risk is present when you come in contact with other passengers and drivers. So, it is best to avoid shared rides as much as possible, and stick to private car rentals. Whether you are booking a car for a day or week, make sure it’s only you and your family in the cab.

In the meantime, check out this COVID-safety checklist for rental car booking.

Clean the TouchPoints on the Exteriors

Disinfect the areas in your car that you need to touch constantly throughout your journey. This includes the door handles, latch on the trunk, side mirrors, and window handles. You need to keep these surfaces wet with the disinfectant for at least 5 minutes to kill the germs sitting on these areas. Once you are done with the cleaning, put on your gloves when cleaning the rest of the interiors. The above-mentioned areas are highly likely to get contaminated again. Once you are done sanitizing the interiors, you can throw your gloves into a trash can and get in the car.

Roll Down Your Car’s Window

You must be wondering what your car windows have to do with your risk of contracting a virus. Not only does it provide you with a fresh air supply, but keeping your windows open will allow you to send the infectious airborne particles outside the vehicle. You should keep the window glasses down whether the car is parked or in motion. Before you get into the car, wipe the window switch and other controls before touching them. You must also roll the glasses up and wipe them with a disinfectant.

Disinfect Driver’s Controls

The driver will take care of this part, but it is better if you see the driver clean these areas in front of you. The driver’s controls include steering wheels, gear, dashboard, window knobs, and other handles. Use the wipe containing a high concentration of disinfectants or strong chemical detergent that will kill the germs in a single wipe.

These were the basic safety steps for those planning to rent a car during the pandemic. In addition to following these safety protocols, you must research the rental company to see what measures they are taking for COVID protection. If you are having a hard time finding the best rental car for your family vacation or business trips, check out SNA auto rental—the cleanest car rental in orange county, CA—and book a suitable car.


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